If not for that, you wouldn't need the shell. You need the shell=True so that the wildcard in *.log will be interpreted. It will look something like this: proc = subprocess.Popen(, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) Subprocess.check_output will wait until the child process terminates and only then give you it's output.
Transforming a nested data frame with varying number of elements.Pick equal number of examples from each category that fits within the context length.Merge rows when element coma separated found in another row.How to rank the column values based on a dictionary and retain the highest value?.Insert list json objects into row based on other column values in dataframe.How to create sub data frames for each row with data before and after a row.
Return a different column of the dataframe if there is a grep match between two vectors.Find correlation between columns whose names are specified as values in another dataframe.